Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Gender Reveal!

The news has finally arrived! Enjoy a short clip from Gideon sharing his sibling love. :) All the fun ultrasound details to come tomorrow.

P.S. Stay tuned for the bloopers at the end!


  1. eeeeeee hehe this is so cute! Aw Gideon you are getting so big and are so smart! Yay for baby boy Hunter #2!!!!

  2. oh my gosh. melt my heart. i can't take this

  3. Congrats! I have to say the bloopers at the end where the best! "Remember your lines!"

  4. Omgoodness we have the most adorable grandson!! Palpal and Grandma love both our grandsons sosososoossoooooo much! How do we get this to the "TODAY" show? I know it would make it!ohhhhh grandma loves you!!! Xoxoxox

  5. Ha! That's awesome! I love that the blooper reel starts at 17 seconds in of your 1:23 video. And it would appear that of the firstborns betwixt our two families you have the smart/thoughtful one and we have the busy bruiser.

  6. This is the cutest thing ever!!!! He is precious! Congrats to the new addition!!
