Monday, January 28, 2013

22 Weeks!

22 weeks! Already!

**Healthy and happy inside my belly! Everything looked great the ultrasound.
**Weighs approximately one pound already (20wks)! At least according to our anatomy scan earlier this week.
**This little man especially loves to move when I'm lying down to go to bed. I love it! I often fall asleep smiling and wake up with such joy thinking about him.

**I've been wanting more junk food..but I think that just because I'm still having some food aversions so thinking/creating meals is sometimes difficult. Eating meals is great, it's just when I make them..  Junk food (processed garb) seems the easiest to me. :)

**I'm everywhere! Hard to get reigns on pregnancy hormones sometimes. I'm so thankful for a husband who can so gently and with care put up with my moody/emotional attitude sometimes. :)

**I'm wearing a lot more maternity clothes now. They are just more comfortable!
**I've gained 7 pounds! Grow, baby, grow! :-)
**More braxton hicks.

On my mind:
**How to raise TWO sons! So thankful for the Holy Spirit.
**Gideon being a big brother.
**Baby boy names!
**Thankfulness for a healthy, growing baby. And grace!
**Double strollers, second carseats, and all that fun stuff.

I'm feeling really good these days. Fatigue often, but I can handle that. My next appointment is in 3 weeks and we actually get to have another ultrasound! They couldn't get a good profile picture of the baby because of his position so they'll re-scan for one. I'm okay with that! Also, I'll get tested for gestational diabetes. I was negative with Gideon and hopeful for the same with this little man.

Disclaimer: We are not photographers...sorry to all my friends who are, don't judge. :)


  1. you look so so cute! Pregnancy looks good on you ;)

  2. girl, you look GREAT!! ah, baby boy names...i'm already dreaming of baby boy names :)

  3. You are such a beauty! Dresses and leggings are my current fav pregnant outfit comfy! We are talking often about boy names lately and coming up with nothing. Are you guys getting excited about any? You will be a great mommy of 2!

    1. Leggings and dresses are a lifesaver! Or at least a morning-saver when getting dressed. :-) We are thinking pretty confidently about one name! I keep going back and forth though. I find boy names more difficult than girl..but maybe that will change when I'm actually having a girl. :) thanks for the encouragement, too! Can't believe I'll have two little men! Yay!
