Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My Man

Today is my husband's birthday. It's been a crazy last week or so with a very sick son and a very hectic schedule for Adam. Today I thought he would be gone for 12+ hours so we knew that much celebrating couldn't happen. Though, the Lord showed me tons of grace and several of Adam's commitments were cancelled, allowing him to be home with Gideon and I on a very rough day. So..we spent a lot of his birthday at the doctors office, getting medicine, and trying to calm our sick baby (this evening he showed improvement).

All of that to say, I'm so blessed by this man. I've never felt such tangible unconditional, self-sacrificing love as I feel from him. He truly models Christ to me. I couldn't be more thankful for such a hard-working man. Did you know that my husband goes to school full time, works a job, does clinicals, has homework AND still makes his family number one?! Seriously, how did I get so lucky.

Here's to by husband. The man who has made so many of my dreams comes true and serves me like I'm a queen. Happy 26th Birthday, Adam! I'm proud to be your wife.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Gideon's 1st Birthday: Photo Booth Fun

Just a few photo booth pictures from Gideon's party!

Andrew had the most fun, I think! 

Future Mr. and Mrs. :) 

The Krause Family 

The Welmers! 

**Masks compliments of my mom..she sells them, too! :)