Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Our Family

Laurel of The Living Bouquet is not only talented in the area of making headbands and cute twin boys, she also takes amazing photos! She doesn't take portrait shots usually (so she says... ;)) but has taken our family photos since we had Gideon. I always love them!

Here are the latest - our family of soon four. Thanks, Laurel!

They've captured my heart! 

He's so happy that he can run! 

Goodness, just look at that boy!

So fun! 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

38 Weeks!

I can't believe I'm there. 38 weeks, well almost. My baby is full term and can come any day now! With Gideon I delivered at 39weeks, will his brother follow suit? We shall see. My mom comes to town on Tuesday, I'm so excited!

Currently, I'm not craving anything except ICE COLD drinks and a pedicure! I really think that salons should give pregnant women--who can no longer reach their feet without passing out--free pedicures. It only seems fair, right?

At my 36 weeks appointment I was 2.5cm and 50% effaced! Really, that means little. Especially with a second baby. But I'm hopeful! :) My only "complaint" right now would be horrible, collapse to the floor leg cramps - but I'll deal with those for a full-term, healthy baby.

38 Weeks
(We took the picture at my most tired part
 of the day, whoops! :))

This season is full of exciting things for our family, and lots of transition. I'm seeing the Lord's grace over and over again.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

It's been a while...

I also seem to have a post like this one, where I have fallen off the grid for a bit then am ready to jump back in. Truly, my reasoning is life. Sometimes I feel ready and inspired to blog and other times I feel like my entire focus needs to be on my home, husband, and family. That was the recent season. Adam was doing 80-90 hours a week so I felt like we were going non-stop, partly because we were. He is now finished with his 800 clinical hours for his degree, taken and PASSED the board exams, and is now finishing up his last week and a half of classes before finals and GRADUATION. A close friend and I also joke that we look forward to the day our husbands work a full-time job and come home. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for this season... I'll write more about that later.

Anyway. I'm back and feeling much more inspired now. :)

Gideon is 16 months old and full.of.life. He is climber. Moms, got any tips for climbers? We've only had one "injury" so far, and thankfully it wasn't too serious but I spend much of my time taking him down from the kitchen table, or chair, or coffee, table, or benches..you get the point. I don't want to drown the adventurous part of him but he has no limits right now. Adam often says he's much like me - loves to be around people, gets super excited at nothing sometimes, and does great with schedule but goes with the flow so easily. Love my boy. I can't wait to meet his brother.

I'll have another post soon and update you on my pregnancy as well.