I mentioned briefly in Gideon's 10 month post that he is a lot like his daddy, so much so that I think it deserves it's own post.

My husband. We met when I was 17, engaged at 18, married at 19, pregnant at 20. He's incredible and has wooed my heart ever since. He is a quiet man, which used to kind of bug me. Not anymore though. It's honorable. Its a trait I often wish I was better at. He enjoys the simple things in life, nothing too fancy. He likes to listen and serve. He serves so well and constantly. Seriously, I could (and have..and still do) wake him up at 1am to get me water...(thats sitting on his night stand) and he will gladly do it. He enjoys learning and has a brain like a sponge. Laughing is something we often do together. He is full of integrity and doesn't care what people think if it means doing what is right.

My son. We met when I was 21. :) He is the child who has made me a mama. A very happy mama. He is full of life and laughter. And he loves his daddy. The back door opens and he will stop what he's doing to crawl as fast as he can to climb up his dad. When he was a newborn until probably 4months he didn't care for toys, he was fine as could be just looking around at his surroundings and listening to people talk. He is content (for over an hour sometimes) just pushing his one simple truck around. He loves to be tickled and thrown in the air. And he is full of joy. Seriously. so.much.joy. He wakes up happy and..well not alway but often, goes to bed happy. Father like son.

I can't get enough of these too. I am just as giddy as my son when my husband walks in the door because he constantly shows me true love and sacrifice. I praise the Lord for Him. Both of these men (one little and one big) in my life drive me closer to Jesus. I can't love my husband as best as I can without being close to the heart of God and I can't teach and train my son without know the Word.
It's like living a dream....even on the hard days. :)